
You are invited to submit an abstract intended for oral or poster presentation. The number of oral presentations is limited, and speakers will be selected among the abstracts submitted for that. If your abstract is not selected, you will be offered a poster presentation instead.

The selection of oral presenters will be finished by April 20, and everyone who applied for an oral presentation will be notified. The deadline for paying the conference fee is May 1st, and only speakers who have payed in full by then will be included in the program.

  • Abstract deadline for posters June 1

Please download the Abstract template and submit your abstract through the online form below. Note the you need to register before uploading the abstract – use the password you receive upon registration.

Upload your abstract here!

Scientific questions about abstract submission are handled by Berit Olofsson (berit.olofsson@su.se)

Technical questions about abstract submission are handled by The Swedish Chemical Society (info@kemisamfundet.se)

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